Bouguer anomalijų nustatymo galimybių analizė
Sudarytas algoritmas Bouguer anomalijoms Žemės paviršiuje paskaičiuoti pagal išmatuotas sunkio pagreičio reikšmes. Išnagrinetos galimybės gravimetrinio žemelapio Bouguer anomalijoms patikslinti panaudojant naujo Lietuvos gravimetrinio tinklo matavimų duomenis. The development of the Lithuanian gravimetric network enables to estimate the 1:200000 scale gravimetric map of Bougner anomalies of the Lithuanian territory. An algorithm for calculation of the Bouguer anomalies on the Earth surface after measurements of the gravity acceleration was created. The possibilities to specify the Bouguer anomalies of the gravimetrie map using measurements data of the new Lithuanian gravimetric network were investigated. Model of the differences of gravity accelerations between Potsdam gravity system, used in the map, and IGSN71 system, defined by the absolute gravity measurements in the Lithuanian gravimetric network, was made. It could be used for the estimation of the gravity acceleration and calculation of Bouguer anomaly at any point on Lithuanian territory.