137Cs ir 90Sr savitasis aktyvumas žvėrienoje
Sinkevičius, Šarūnas
Idzelis, Raimondas Leopoldas
Rodyti detalų aprašąSantrauka
Paper describes results of measurements of 137 Cs and 90Sr in wild animals from two forests of Lithuania. Boars, dears and elks were hunted in Varėna and Ukmergė manucipality teritory. Samples were analized by gamma spectrometry and radiochemical separation of 90Sr was performed following with beta counting by liquid scintillation counter. Paper describes main passways for appierance of radionuclides in the environment and main factors for contamination of meat of wild animals including style of living and type of food. The highest concentration of 137Cs was measured in the sample of meat of elk from Varėna manucipality territory. Concentrations of 90 Sr in the meat in the samples measured were much lower, up to 0,22 Bq/kg fresh weight.