Geležinkelio bėgių defektų prognozavimas specialiąja RDM–22 programa
Straipsnyje pateikiama pasirinkto geležinkelio ruožo bėgių būklės analizė. Defektai nustatyti remiantis defektoskopo RDM–22 specialios programos gautais duomenimis. Aptartos bėgių su defektais priežiūros ir keitimo metodai, bei RDM–22 specialios programos galimybės aptikti bėgių metalo struktūros pakitimus ir panaudoti šiuos duomenis kelio būklės gyvavimo prognozei. Analysis of tracks condition showed that state of rails isn’t changing in investigated section. Great number (about 90 per cent) of detected defects was found in the heads of tracks. Defects are increasing in their developing process and can cause danger of safe train traffic, environment, people health and life. Employment of special RDM – 22 program makes possibility to detect the changes in the structure of tracks metal and to plan railway repair half a year ago. Program shows even the smallest changes in the structure of metal, invisible for man’s eye. Employment of various defective tracks technological processes gives an opportunity to up the speed and to avoid railway break, accidents and other consequences in selected section.