Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Environment and qaulity of life 

      Streimikiene, Dalia; Mikalauskiene, Asta (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      The paper deals with environmental indicators having impact on quality of life. The system of indicators was developed to assessment environmental indicators of quality of life. The paper defines the concept of quality ...
    • Factors for assessment of women empowerment: theoretical approach 

      Raudeliūnienė, Jurgita; Dzemyda, Ignas; Kimpah, Jeniboy (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      The development of women empowerment and its influence on organization performance is a continuous and constantly evolving process. For the purposeful organization performance it is important to analyze not only the ...
    • Methodology for calculating adverse health effects in Latvia 

      Urbans, Mihails; Malahova, Jeļena; Jemeļjanovs, Vladimirs (11th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2020”, 2020)
      Calculating the value of life and adverse health effect is necessary for developing public policyin providing compensation to families of victims of fatal accidents; it is also needed to create reasonablesafety measures ...