Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Framework for sustainable oriented technology development 

      Gaubinger, Kurt; Schweitzer, Fiona; Zweimüller, Rahel (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      This paper shows that companies can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of development activities by using process models that integrate sustainable orientation during all phases of technology development projects. ...
    • Graphical presentation of risk assessment in management decision making process 

      Kirova, Milena (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The paper introduces the integration of the risk graphic presentation into the complex approach of the evaluation and selection of management decision. The graphic presentation is an easy and accessi-ble way of the risk ...
    • Innovation management in project oriented companies 

      Srdič, Aleksander; Šelih, Jana (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      Innovations as main tools that enable competitive advantage are crucial for business success of any enterprise. Therefore, they should be fostered systematically. The environment and the organisational culture within the ...
    • Innovative and traditional companies: the main definitions and comparisons 

      Kavaliauskė, Monika; Urbonavičius, Sigitas; Bikas, Egidijus; Saikevičius, Darius (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      In the complex business environment companies seek for new forms of successful operations, where innovations become very important success factor for business development. However, innovative activities might affect financial ...