Now showing items 241-260 of 730

    • Who becomes self-employed: comparative analysis of Lithuania and Latvia 

      Remeikiene, Rita; Startiene, Grazina; Gaspareniene, Ligita (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      A decision to change one’s status from a hired employee or unemployed person to that of a self-employed person is extremely important in such countries with small economies as Lithuania or Latvia. Previous research ...
    • Problems of reindustrialisation in depressive regions: case of Bulgaria 

      Ivanov, Ivaylo (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      The depressive regions are one of the main factors of regional inequality. The solving of problems of depressive regions would reduce regional disparities. The reindustrialisation of these regions is a key for stopping ...
    • Japanese management and its practice in company branch based in Slovakia 

      Nadányiová, Margaréta (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      Japan is currently one of the most economically developed countries. The economy in Japan has a very high growth rate. In the traditional Japanese industrial firm is used the so-called Japanese management system. This ...
    • The agent-based structural approach in infrastructure for economic growth 

      Kornilov, Sergei; Põlajeva, Tatjana (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      The recent development of the EU exhibits the challenge of large infrastructure investments intended to eliminate disparities among the EU Member states. The Structural Funds and the Cohesion Funds form together one of ...
    • Literature review on the German labor market 

      Balina, Signe; Minder, Susanna (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      Labor demand and supply are the driving forces for a company´s decision on all human resource management issues. However, the exchange conditions vary from country to country. Only if these conditions are well known a ...
    • The potentials of the use of instruments for the assessing of the business environment in the companies of the railways sector 

      Gaidelys, Vaidas; Dailydka, Stasys (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      While assessing the business environment in the sector of transport, large corporations often meet the issue of the application of particular instruments for the assessing of the business environment to the companies of ...
    • The nexus between ageing population, innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable development 

      Peyravi, Bahman (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      Research on the nexus of innovation, ageing population, entrepreneurship and sustainable economic development is a matter of tremendous interest latterly, as researchers are studying for solution leading to sustainable ...
    • The convergence and interaction between the business and public sectors in the contemporary world economy 

      Melnikas, Borisas (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      The processes of convergence of business and public sectors in the contemporary world economy, as well as some aspects of the processes of internationalization and of the processes of social and economic development in ...
    • Global transformations: variety, phenomena and regularities, holistic approach 

      Melnikas, Borisas (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      The processes of globalization, global transformations, as well as new global challenges for the social, economic and technological development of the contemporary society and societal life are analyzed in this theoretical ...
    • Internationalization processes and effective practices of HRM: employee performance and commitment in Latvia and Lithuania 

      Lobanova, Liudmila; Ozolina-Ozola, Iveta (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      Human resource management consists of various practices, and, time passing on, many new practices emerge. There is small amount of scientific studies explored the effective human resource management practices, its ...
    • Railway transport in the conditions of globalisation 

      Sinkevičius, Gintaras; Dailydka, Stasys (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      At the beginning of the new millennium, the system of global economy entered the new stage of changes. Structural changes that characterise the fields of global production and international trade affected the field of ...
    • Innovation management in project oriented companies 

      Srdič, Aleksander; Šelih, Jana (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      Innovations as main tools that enable competitive advantage are crucial for business success of any enterprise. Therefore, they should be fostered systematically. The environment and the organisational culture within the ...
    • Internationalization strategies in response to the economic crisis: the example of Polish companies 

      Witek-Hajduk, Marzanna Katarzyna (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      The purpose of this paper is to identify internationalization business strategies applied by firms in response to the economic crisis and factors that determine the implementation of these strategies. The paper is based ...
    • Growth outcomes of transport infrastructure investment in the EU: the role of government quality and diminishing marginal effects 

      Butkus, Mindaugas; Mačiulytė-Šniukienė, Alma; Matuzevičiūtė, Kristina (12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, 2022)
      The research investigates the impact of transport infrastructure investment (TII) on economic growth. We applied non-linear neoclassical specification to our unbalanced panel data that covers 27 EU countries (Cyprus is ...
    • Place marketing attraction factors 

      Abeltina, Anna (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      Place marketing is one of the most recent strands of marketing. Place marketing implements interests of a particular place, as well as of the internal and external subjects the place is interested in. Place marketing is ...
    • Innovation policy in the context of nowadays globalisation 

      Vaivode, Irena; Jurenoks, Vitalijs (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      needed as the global competition weakens the profitability of the existing industries. Highlevel research and education, good infrastructure, and public research and development (R&D) support are identified as promoting ...
    • Review of international business negotiations research: current achievements and directions of further research 

      Peleckis, Kęstutis (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      The main objective of the study is to conduct a review of research in international business negotiations and provide the direction of development. For this purpose in the article is made qualitative analysis of the ...
    • DEA application in banking: relationship between efficiency scores and bank size 

      Titko, Jelena (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      The paper aims to investigate the relationship between banks’ size and efficiency scores. The study applies Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as a tool for measuring bank relative efficiency. Sample includes European banks ...
    • Reflection of the economic growth theories in Europa 2020 strategy 

      Kedaitienė, Angelė (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      Europe 2020 is the umbrella strategy of the European Union (EU) aiming at enhancing of the economic growth of EU over the years 2010-2020. In this regard in takes into account number of the economic growth factors, listed ...
    • Technological innovations and technology achievement 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija; Pipirienė, Vida (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      The research paper is devoted to the analysis of technology achievement. The application of technological innovations by manufacturing and trade enterprises allows predicting technology achievement level measured by index ...