Now showing items 40-47 of 47

    • The role of human factor and HRM practices in Mncs’ performance in Eastern and Western Europe – a comparative analysis of the research findings 

      Stor, Marzena; Haromszeki, Łukasz (11th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2020”, 2020)
      The main goal of the paper is to identify, analyze, and compare the relationships between the activities in the field of HRM and performance results of MNCs in Eastern and Western Europe with a view to the value ascribed ...
    • The role of the environmental impact assessment in territorial planning 

      Stradere, Marita; Didenko, Konstantins (11th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2020”, 2020)
      The study aim is to explore the database of economic projects. The objective is to use the datacontained in the database in administrative territorial reform in Latvia. The scope of study is the register ofprojects in The ...
    • Sectoral risk assessment: a case of the latvian forestry sector 

      Voronova, Irina; Shatrevich, Vladimirs (11th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2020”, 2020)
      The present study provides an analysis of sectoral risk in the forestry sector and presents an overview of multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) for sector development assessment. The main aim of the paper is to ...
    • Selected problems of public administration officials 

      Kamrádová, Lucie; Sciskalová, Marie (11th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2020”, 2020)
      The aim of the article is to present the position of public administration officials with a focus on the Czech Republic as an example of good practice. In today’s globalized society, the term clerk (or offi-cial) appears ...
    • Study of different data science methods for demand prediction and replenishment forecasting at retail network 

      Iurasov, Aleksei; Stanelyte, Giedre (11th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2020”, 2020)
      The demand prediction becoming an essential tool to remain or even lead in the competitionamong the retail businesses. A well-done demand prediction model could help retailer to track the level ofinventory, orders and sales ...
    • Sustаinаblе есonomiс dеvеlopmеnt of АPЕС сountriеs 

      Moсkutė, Еglė; Birškytė, Liuсijа (11th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2020”, 2020)
      Thе аrtiсlе аnаlyzеs thе sustаinаblе есonomiс dеvеlopmеnt of аll сountriеs of Аsiа-Pасifiс Есonomiс Сoopеrаtion (АPЕС). Thе Аsiа-Pасifiс Есonomiс Сoopеrаtion, or аbbrеviаtеd аs АPЕС (Аsiа-Pасifiс Есonomiс Сoopеrаtion), is ...
    • Two-sided market as technological template for exhibition business model 

      Simonov, Kirill (11th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2020”, 2020)
      Purpose of the study – to form two-sided network market on discrete sequence of thematically identical short-term periodic trade shows. Methods of the investigation are based on the theory of two-sided markets, the theory ...
    • Visual identities of Polish towns and cities. What they communicate and represent in practiced logos 

      Adamus-Matuszyńska, Anna; Dzik, Piotr (11th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2020”, 2020)
      The purpose of the research is the empirical verification of the authors’ hypothesis that the logo or City Visual Identity System (CVIS) is the indicator of marketing and branding orientation of a particular self-government. ...