Dabar rodomi įrašai 101-120 iš 163

    • Valuation model for Latvian banks 

      Titko, Jelena; Lace, Natalja (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Considering predicted M&A activities in banking sector, bank valuation is one of the most actual issues on the agenda. Some valuation specialists consider that a valuation of a financial institution can be undertaken mainly ...
    • Impact of financial crisis on Lithuanian households‘ ability to manage budgets 

      Taujanskaitė, Kamilė; Milčius, Eugenijus (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Households are important integral part of economic system of every country, therefore the processes related to households‘ budgets and their control are permanently in focus of numerous researchers. Majority of publications ...
    • The effect of socially responsible investing on mutual fund performance 

      Tamošiūnienė, Rima; Slapikaitė, Indrė (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      In the presented paper there is analyzed the essence and development of socially reponsible investing, also there is made a review of socially responsible market worldwide and finally is presented results of a comparative ...
    • Is fair value a plus or a minus for industrial company? 

      Talnagiová, Viktória; Černá, Ľubica (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Measurement of assets in financial accounting is extremely complex and it can be stated that it represents the basic problem of accounting, which determines the content and the explanatory ability of the financial statements. ...
    • Tendencies and prospects of risk and uncertainty management of enterprise investment projects 

      Ševčenko, Galina; Ustinovičius, Leonas (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Under the current market conditions, an enterprise like any other institution or organisation is exposed to various risks. If risks are not managed, they can strongly affect enterprise activities, therefore, one of its ...
    • Mezzanine capital and corporate bonds - the Czech experience 

      Svědík, Jan; Tetřevová, Liběna (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The paper is dedicated to the problems of mezzanine financing focussing on the specific types of corporate bonds. The first part defines the term mezzanine capital in the alternative concept and characterizes the properties ...
    • Corporate financial performance and value creation: the coherence of intangible assets and corporate social responsibility 

      Stankevičienė, Jelena; Jasaitė, Lina; Čepulytė, Julija (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The paper analyses the importance of intangible assets and corporate social responsibility to a modern enterprise. Referencing to the literature, the article provides the answer to the questions of the existence of the ...
    • Interest rate as main determinants of the economy 

      Siroshtan, Yevhenii; Fedocov, Viktor (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      In the context of globalization and post-industrial society the financial sector of economy manages the real sector. And that is why in order to deal with the processes of production and distribution of wealth in society ...
    • With sustainability engineering to sustainability efficiency 

      Rutkauskas, Aleksandras Vytautas; Stasytytė, Viktorija (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      This paper is an attempt to perceive the universal sustainability, when it comes to a discrete country or region, where actually the religious, political, social-demographic, economic, environmental, creative, technological ...
    • Marketing as core instrument to implement sustainability strategy for a business world. The case of fast moving consumer goods 

      Rutkauskas, Aleksandras Vytautas; Lapinskaitė, Indrė (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      This paper analyses sustainability through the context of business. There are many different approaches to marketing and sustainability correlation; in this paper some different aproaches are presented. Nowadays rising the ...
    • Infrastructure development: economic growth effects 

      Põlajeva, Tatjana; Kornilov, Sergei (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The development of infrastructure, while demanding considerable financial resources, is expected to give positive returns and facilitate economic growth in many countries and regions. The aim of this article is to investigate ...
    • The impact of the inflation and unemployment values from the previous period on the Phillips curve 

      Novotna, Veronika (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The article deals with formulation of a dynamical model which expresses the relationship between the rate of inflation and the rate of unemployment more accurately and which has become to be known as the Phillips curve. ...
    • Foreign direct investment and economic development of EU7 countries 

      Medne, Zane (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      One of the main reasons why Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovak Republic (hereafter – EU7 countries) joined to European Union was expectation to receive foreign direct investment from the ...
    • The need of bankruptcy prediction in the company 

      Mažintienė, Aurelija; Burkšaitienė, Daiva (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The obvious symptoms show up in a company’s financial statements about a year or two before a company goes real bankruptcy. The aim of the article is to define the concept of bankruptcy and to provide the main aspects of ...
    • Risk factors in outsourcing cooperation 

      Malkus, Tomasz (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The risk of outsourcing cooperation is one of the key issues taken into consideration by the client and service provider. Among risk factors are those that are dependent on the importance of outsourcing for the client and ...
    • Application of neural network for forecasting of exchange rates and forex trading 

      Maknickienė, Nijolė; Maknickas, Algirdas (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Expert methods, which widely applied for human decision making, were employed for neural networks. It was developed an exchange rates prediction and trading algorithm with using of experts information processing techniques ...
    • Simple moving average as a risk management method in main asset classes 

      Macijauskas, Lukas (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      As during turbulent market conditions correlations between main asset classes falter, investors are forced to experience times of high uncertainty which in most cases may lead to irrational decisions. This problem stimulates ...
    • Firm failure patterns: the interconnection of failure reasons and financial data 

      Lukason, Oliver (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Decades of research has resulted in multifaceted studies on firm failure, being mainly focused on forecasting failure using financial data. Several studies are also viewing failure reasons and financial patterns of failure, ...
    • Aggregate assessment of a company's financial viability 

      Lace, Natalja; Koleda, Nadezhda (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Identifying the adequate level of financial viability refers to the most vital economic issues, since inadequate financial viability can result in the lack of resources for development, insolvency and bankruptcy of the ...
    • Ways of improving risk management function in insurance companies 

      Kaļiņina, Darja; Voronova, Irina (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The concept of this work is improvement of risk management function according to Solvency II directive framework. The authors have created an insurance company’s risk catalogue for identification, classification and ...