Dabar rodomi įrašai 61-80 iš 163

    • The economic agglomeration from the Romanian seaports at the halfway between industrial district and industrial cluster 

      Alexandru, Crăciun Mădălin; Rodica, Zaharia Milena (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      With the increasing popularity of the cluster concept, ever more economic agglomerations tend to be classified as clusters just after a brief examination, at the expense of older but better shaped models. The implications ...
    • Public investment project’s whole life cycle cost and benefit management model 

      Adamsone, Liena; Feldmane, Andra; Šenfelde, Maija (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      An essential role in maintaining sustainability has the economic growth, where one of the con-ditions is the volume of public investments in the national economy. A situation, when a limiting fiscal policy is being implemented ...
    • Brand risk scenarios development: theoretical insights 

      Vainauskienė, Vestina; Vaitkienė, Rimgailė (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The brand functioning in the markets characterized by uncertainty has become especially vulnerable asset of an organization. Brand vulnerability – is the premise for the formation of brand risk. In the context of the later ...
    • Impact of globalization processes on economic situation in the East- and Central European countries 

      Šliburytė, Laimona; Masteikienė, Rūta (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Globalization is influencing practically every field of today’s modern life. However, the most significant impact of the globalization process is felt in economics. East- and Central European countries, although accomplishing ...
    • The competitiveness of the export from Poland to the Baltic countries 

      Szymanik, Ewa (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The article shows the competitiveness of the Polish export of industrial goods to the Baltic countries after the access to the European Union. The main problem is the small and diffused trade be-tween Poland and Lithuania, ...
    • Country risk assessment based on MULTIMOORA 

      Stankevičienė, Jelena; Sviderskė, Tatjana (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Country risk analysis (CRA) attempts to identify the potential for different type of risks arising from a variety of national differences in policies, geography, economic structures, socio-political institu-tions and ...
    • The impact of direct foreign investment on international trade in Lithuania 

      Snieska, Vytautas; Vasiliauskiene, Ligita; Venclauskiene, Deimante (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Direct foreign investment, regarded as one of the factors of economic development, has always been considered an important condition, encouraging productivity, international trade and economic growth. Under the conditions ...
    • An application of business consulting procedures in public administration 

      Smaliukienė, Rasa; Korsakienė, Renata (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      This paper identifies and discusses the application of management consulting procedures that are applied most frequent in public administration. Hence, the main types, methods and best practice in the field are analyzed. ...
    • Analysis of Latvian integration processes in EU using system dynamics model 

      Skribans, Valerijs; Pocs, Remigijs (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Recent years were significant for the economy of Latvia due to essential changes in structure of economic system. Often in terns of changed economic conditions traditional statistical and econometric methods are not ...
    • Key performance indicators as a basic element for a marketing efficiency measurement 

      Sychrová, Lucie; Šimberová, Iveta (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      In today’s highly competitive environment it is not easy to acquire and retain customers. In or-der to develop business it is necessary to closely monitor the needs of the customers and offer them prod-ucts and services ...
    • Marketing theory: experience marketing and experiential marketing 

      Same, Siiri; Larimo, Jorma (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Despite the fact that experiences are regarded as key concepts in marketing today, there are dif-ferent views and interpretations about the content of terms. The main objective of this article is to analyse the concepts ...
    • Small business in Uzbekistan: situation, problems and modernization possibilities 

      Rutkauskas, Aleksandras Vytautas; Ergashev, Ahmadjon (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Currently, the market relations are actively and comprehensively developing and implementing in harmonious way around the world. The main tasks of accelerating the development of small business and entrepreneurship and ...
    • Marketing in high-technology firms 

      Pollard, David; Šimberová, Iveta (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      This conceptual study addresses the marketing activities of high-technology firms with regard to their marketing approaches and the developing role of marketing as the firm grows. A review of the lit-erature is utilised ...
    • Environmental protection in the Slovak Republic: economic aspects 

      Plchova, Jana (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The contribution investigates the effective utilization of some economic instruments for environmental protection, the aim of which is to financially stimulate the ecological behaviour of enterprises. The information on ...
    • Do multinational enterprises push up wages of domestic firms in the italian manufacturing sector? 

      Pittiglio, Rosanna; Reganati, Filippo; Sica, Edgardo (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      This paper analyzes the effects of foreign direct investment on wages paid by domestic firms in the Italian manufacturing sector over the period 2002–2007. In particular, the authors investigate the im-pact of multinational ...
    • A behavioural approach to strategy management: main dimensions 

      Piórkowska, Katarzyna (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The article presents the review of the strategy literature especially due to approaches to strat-egy. The author presents the role of the following schools according to a strategy and strategic manage-ment: a planning ...
    • Graphical presentation of risk assessment in management decision making process 

      Kirova, Milena (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The paper introduces the integration of the risk graphic presentation into the complex approach of the evaluation and selection of management decision. The graphic presentation is an easy and accessi-ble way of the risk ...
    • Relationship with customers: empirical research on networking in pharmacies business 

      Pecinova, Zuzana; Ehlova, Zuzana (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Building and strengthening long-term relationships with customers on the principle of mutual benefit is an effective strategy to manage businesses and their networks in today's highly competitive en-vironment. Ever more ...
    • Standardisation of advertising as a symptom of enterprises’ adjustment to the globalisation challenges 

      Nowacki, Robert (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Intensification of globalisation processes in the contemporary world entails consequences for all areas of the socio-economic life. This concerns also marketing management, including advertising, which is particularly ...
    • Development strategies for the european union: internationalization processes, innovation potential, knowledge economy, high technology sector, networking 

      Melnikas, Borisas (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      Internationalization and development of new forms of economic, social and technological headway designed to create and further improve economies based on knowledge and high technologies sector in the European Union are ...