Now showing items 1-10 of 56
Classification of the Oxbow lakes of the Hármas-Körös river and determination of ways for further exploiting the various water regions in the light of the water framework directive
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
Hungary, due to its geographical location, is a country poor in natural water resources. The main aquatic ecosystems of Hungary is a system of lowland rivers, whose sources are located outside the country. Morphometry of ...
Sustainable residential development in rural areas in relation to nature conservation
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
In the last decades residential development in rural areas has aroused great interest. It is particularly the suburban communes that have been adopting a spatial policy conducive to this trend. The communes with protected ...
The conception of the net weather station for measuring the microclimate of the forest
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
The project of meteorological station is designed to monitor the state of the weather on the selected (forest areas) as well as the colleting the data to analyze the dynamic of the changes weather parameters. The main idea ...
The use of augmented reality in geomatics
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
User interfaces are in continuous progress. As the computing power of modern machines grows, they become more user-friendly and intuitive. Not all solutions are widely accepted, sometimes they become only a “curiosity”, ...
The effectiveness of cadastre updating in Poland
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
In developed societies cadastre is fundamental and reference system on land for other land information systems. It protects the legal boundaries of the properties. It is also significant from the point of view of property ...
Augmentation of GNSS autonomous positioning using a ground based ZigBee phase shift distance measurement
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
The article presents the impact of GNSS positioning system augmentation using a ZigBee device. Ground based augmentation is based on the distance measurement between two ZigBee devices – one embedded into the rover and one ...
Research on the dynamics of changes in the sight-aesthetic quality of rural lake district landscapes in the aspect of implementing the European Landscape Convention
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
The article presents selected methodological assumptions of developing and evaluating landscape attribute maps that could be used in the process of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention (ELC). The Convention ...
The rural areas: sustainable development of residential buildings in relation to protected areas
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
This paper aims to considering whether protected areas (in particular Natura 2000 areas) are barrier the development of housing opportunities in rural areas. Research in this area, based on the available Polish-language ...
Analysis of potential application of biogas fuel in modern compression-ignition engines
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
Limited fossil fuel supplies and the necessary reduction in toxic fumes emission to the atmosphere are the main motives in conducting a search for the new, effective energy supplies. The one with potential is biogas. It ...
Methodology of the polyoptimization for spatial processes
(10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
Optimization is a complex activity that aims to find the best solution for a given activity, considering all existing limitations. The best variant possible in the set of acceptable variants is sought-out. In particular, ...