Now showing items 21-40 of 83

    • Waste collection in low-density areas and air pollutants formed in the process 

      Vilms, Monica; Voronova, Viktoria (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      The particular problems waste collection in low-density areas include the long travel distances required together with the small amount of waste that can be collected during a long journey. The current research investigates ...
    • Pervious concrete as a sustainable solution for pavements in urban areas 

      Kováč, Marek; Sičáková, Alena (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      In the last few years, the use of pervious concrete as a pavement material in low-volume road applications (parking lots, residential roads, pedestrian zone or sidewalks) has gained importance due to its positive environmental ...
    • Planning, configuration and usefulness of microseismic monitoring on Eastern-Europe platform – example from east Pomerania 

      Kmieć, Mateusz; Antoszkiewicz, Michał; Szewczuk, Paweł; Szkodo, Marek; Jankowski, Robert (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      The microseismic monitoring is a method of monitoring of fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing process. The method uses array of geophones to localize micro tremors induced by liquid pumped underground at high ...
    • Zero waste MSW management challenges in Klaipėda district 

      Tumaševičiūtė, Rasa; Zigmontienė, Aušra (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      Production volumes are increasing by growing economy and consumption processes. Industry and other eco nomic activities generate municipal solid waste stream. With growth of the industry, economy and pace of consumption ...
    • Sustainable concretes – through reducing the water absorptivity to improved durability 

      Figmig, Róbert; Eštoková, Adriana; Smoláková, Michaela (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      Water absorptivity (WA) is one of the crucial parameters affecting the penetration of aggressive ions when concrete material is exposed to an aggressive environment and is closely linked with a depth of penetration of water ...
    • Analysis of carbon dioxide in kindergartens in Poland 

      Gładyszewska-Fiedoruk, Katarzyna; Jachimowicz, Sebastian (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      Children in kindergartens spend between five and ten hours a day, the quality of air inside is very important. Kindergartens are public buildings. Kindergartens in Poland do not have mechanical ventilation, most often use ...
    • The noise produced by the air handling units depending on the type of engine 

      Jachimowicz, Sebastian; Gładyszewska-Fiedoruk, Katarzyna (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      The elaboration is the study is to examine the difference in the sound level in the air handling units made by the same producer. These units are of the same design parameters and components, and supply air and exhaust ...
    • Rural landscape shaping through the introduction of trees in land consolidation projects in Poland 

      Sobolewska-Mikulska, Katarzyna; Stańczuk-Gałwiaczek, Małgorzata (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      Land consolidation works carried out in Poland are mainly aimed at the improvement of spatial structure of plots in agricultural holdings. However, modern trends indicate the necessity of compliance with sustainable rural ...
    • Heavy metals leaching of MSWI bottom ash: effect of short-term natural weathering 

      Seniūnaitė, Jurgita; Vasarevičius, Saulius (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      Municipal solid wastes incineration (MSWI) is an important part of the waste management systems in many European countries. Incineration process generates two main by roducts: fly ash (FA) and bottom ash (BA). Bottom ash ...
    • Research on the dynamics of changes in the sight-aesthetic quality of rural lake district landscapes in the aspect of implementing the European Landscape Convention 

      Senetra, Adam (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      The article presents selected methodological assumptions of developing and evaluating landscape attribute maps that could be used in the process of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention (ELC). The Convention ...
    • Heavy metals uptake by trees near a waste incinerator 

      Morichetti, Mauro; Passerini, Giorgio; Baltrėnas, Pranas; Baltrėnaitė, Edita; Corvatta, Gianni (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      Incinerators produce energy burning virtually everything including waste, but emit pollutants such as heavy metals and carbon monoxide (CO). These substances can be uptaken by trees through their roots, leaves or stems. ...
    • An attempt to improve air quality in primary schools 

      Telejko, Marek; Zender-Świercz, Ewa (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      Most primary school buildings in Poland rely on natural ventilation. This fact is attributed to the age of these buildings constructed more than dozen or even several tens of years ago. Few of them were fitted with a ...
    • Comparison of NOx emissions decreasing methods for biofuel boilers 

      Sereika, Titas; Buinevičius, Kęstutis; Jančauskas, Adolfas (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      The main idea of research is to figure out the emissions of nitrogen oxides reduction using various type of reduction methods. In experiments were used NOx reduction methods: high CO emissions generation, flue gas ...
    • Towards the development of sustainable hydro energy in Lithuania 

      Jatautas, Jaunius; Mierauskas, Pranas (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      Development of renewable energy sources together with sustainable development covers a complicated range of issues which require complex assessment in the context of Lithuania’s energy independence. Hydropower is an integral ...
    • Research of different noise barriers efficiency at different temperature 

      Vilniškis, Tomas; Januševičius, Tomas (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      In this article was analyzed acoustic efficiency of two different construction noise barriers. Field measurements of noise tests were carried out before and behind a wooden barrier, which height was 2.9 meters and a wooden ...
    • Investigation and modeling of manganese concentration in the gravel roadside 

      Mikalajūnė, Audronė (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      Road transport is one of the biggest soil polluter. There are a lot of investigations of soil pollution near highways, but soil pollution near gravel roadsides needs more experimental research. In this experimental study ...
    • The rural areas: sustainable development of residential buildings in relation to protected areas 

      Źróbek-Sokolnik, Anna; Zysk, Elżbieta; Dynowski, Piotr; Źróbek-Różańska, Alina (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      This paper aims to considering whether protected areas (in particular Natura 2000 areas) are barrier the development of housing opportunities in rural areas. Research in this area, based on the available Polish-language ...
    • Hemp fibre reinforced composites 

      Schwarzova, Ivana; Stevulova, Nadezda; Melichar, Tomas (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      The conventional homogeneous materials can no longer effectively satisfy the growing demands on product capabilities and performance, due to the advancement in products design and materials engineering. Therefore, the fibre ...
    • Researches of aggressive gas flow cleaning from wood ash particulate matter in the multi-channel cyclone 

      Chlebnikovas, Aleksandras; Baltrėnas, Pranas (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      The studies examined the gas flow aerodynamic parameters and treatment efficiency from the wood ash particulate matter, also an adhesion dependencies in multi-channel cyclone using aggressive gas flow – temperature up to ...
    • Using ion-selective electrodes in environmental monitoring 

      Tychkov, Vladimir; Trembovetskaya, Ruslana; Kisil, Tatyana; Bondarenko, Yulia (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      Environmental monitoring is an integral part of environmental protection. Control of hazardous substances wastewater occurs both in the laboratory and on-site sampling. The paper provides a method of injection analysis, ...