Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Evaluation of change in land usage and land cover in Karaj, Iran 

      Mohammadyari, Fatemeh; Mirsanjari, Mir Mehrdad; Sužiedelytė Visockienė, Jūratė; Zarandian, Ardavan (11th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2020), 2020)
      In this study, classification results were derived from remote sensing data and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm used in this process, which classifies Landsat land-cover images. The accuracy of image classifications ...
    • Use of natural sorbent for stormwater treatment 

      Valentukevičienė, Marina; Najafabadi, Maryam Ebrahimian (11th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2020), 2020)
      Stormwater runoff is an important avenue for pollutant transport from impermeable surfaces to surface waters. Consequently, stormwater pollutions require additional treatment processes to achieve water quality goals. Natural ...