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dc.rights.licenseKūrybinių bendrijų licencija / Creative Commons licenceen_US
dc.contributor.authorDavidavičius, Sigitas
dc.contributor.authorLimba, Tadas
dc.description.abstractLast decades showed that there is a huge shift in the way how marketing professionals and scientists understand digital marketing activities. The focus moved from proper selection of communication channel or other measures to more holistic approaches such as inbound marketing, which unifies the range of marketing tactics like content marketing, marketing on social media, search marketing etc. The content became one of the core elements of digital value proposition (OVP) along with the product. The pandemic of COVID-19 have changed the behavior of people in their everyday life both in the context of entertainment and work. Teleworking has become a norm and revealed a range of issues faced by those who work from home. They are on they own with adoption of new and in some cases never used before technologies and obviously need for effective support in form of accessible and usable content which in turn creates a lot of uncertainties for companies operating in the field. Decisions related to the form of content the search channel became relevant as never before. Paper aims to investigate trends and changes of the educational content consumption preferences among the users in the face of COVID-19. In order to investigate needs and preferences of consumers in terms of educational content related to teleworking software consumption, a survey method and descriptive statistics where employed. Home-based workers of various profiles were interviewed and specific trends of needs for software and educational content as well as forms and search channels of the content were revealed. The study shows that during the COVID-19 and the remote work determined by it, a need for communicational technologies, and software increased which caused in turn increased need for educational content related to usage of those technologies. Costumers are intended to look for such a content using mainly search engines then video streaming services, websites of software producers and then forums. The most preferred form of content – video and combined text and images.en_US
dc.format.extent5 p.en_US
dc.format.mediumTekstas / Texten_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 Internationalen_US
dc.subjectconsumer behaviouren_US
dc.subjectinbound marketingen_US
dc.subjectcontent marketingen_US
dc.titleSearch peculiarities of educational content in context of remote worken_US
dc.typeKonferencijos publikacija / Conference paperen_US
dcterms.accessRightsLaisvai prieinamas / Openly availableen_US
dcterms.accrualMethodRankinis pateikimas / Manual submissionen_US
dcterms.alternativeBusiness technologies and sustainable entrepreneurshipen_US
dcterms.licenseCC BYen_US
dc.description.versionTaip / Yesen_US
dc.contributor.institutionMykolas Romeris Universityen_US
dcterms.sourcetitle12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”en_US
dc.publisher.nameVilnius Gediminas Technical Universityen_US
dc.publisher.nameVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetasen_US

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