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dc.rights.licenseKūrybinių bendrijų licencija / Creative Commons licenceen_US
dc.contributor.authorMokhova, Natalia
dc.contributor.authorZinecker, Marek
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to indicate the influence of macroeconomic factors on corporate capital structure in different European countries. The recent Global Financial Crisis and the following European debt crisis show the significance of the country financial stability, consequently the efficiency of fiscal and monetary policies, and their impact on the private sector. The macroeconomic policies of a country affect the financial performances of the companies and their future sustainable development and growth. We analyze the influence of external determinants on the corporate capital structure of non-financial manufactured companies based on the evidence from European developed countries and emerging markets for the period 2006–2010, in order to compare the level of the impact on the capital structure according to the countries’ specifics. The managers make their financial decisions according to the source of financing and capital structure based on the company’s advantages and disadvantages, i.e. its internal characteristics, and doubtless on the macroeconomic conditions and country specifics, i.e. external factors. For the purpose of this study the macroeconomic factors are divided into two groups represented fiscal and monetary policies of a country. The correlation and regression techniques are used to identify the relations between these external determinants and capital structure. The findings show the significance of macroeconomic factors in the decision making process regarding capital structure and the source of financing.en_US
dc.format.extent11 p.en_US
dc.format.mediumTekstas / Texten_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectmacroeconomic factorsen_US
dc.subjectexternal determinantsen_US
dc.subjectcapital structureen_US
dc.subjectfiscal policyen_US
dc.subjectmonetary policyen_US
dc.titleMacroeconomic factors and corporate capital structureen_US
dc.typeKonferencijos publikacija / Conference paperen_US
dcterms.accessRightsLaisvai prieinamas / Openly availableen_US
dcterms.accrualMethodRankinis pateikimas / Manual submissionen_US
dcterms.licenseCC BY NC NDen_US
dc.description.versionTaip / Yesen_US
dc.type.pubtypeK1a - Monografija / Monographen_US
dc.contributor.institutionBrno University of Technologyen_US
dcterms.sourcetitleProcedia - Social and Behavioral Sciencesen_US
dc.description.volumevol. 110en_US

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Rodyti trumpą aprašą

Kūrybinių bendrijų licencija / Creative Commons licence
Išskyrus atvejus, kai nurodyta kitaip, šio įrašo licencija apibrėžiama taipKūrybinių bendrijų licencija / Creative Commons licence