• Applying sustainable leadership for organizational changes toward sustainability 

      Kondrotaitė, Gita; Burinskienė, Aurelija (13th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, 2023)
      The ability to lead and effectively manage change is one of the most critical factors in leadership. In today’s changes in the economy and social well-being, various leadership styles are being used, which are applied in ...
    • Energy security and energy efficiency issues: household perspective in European countries 

      Tvaronavičienė, Manuela (9th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2016”, 2016)
      Aim of presented paper is provide the latest approaches towards energy security, to examine methodological foundations used, and to contribute to the contemporary discussion by providing new insights stemming from emerging ...
    • Principles of effective communication and persuasion in business negotiations 

      Peleckis, Kęstutis; Peleckienė, Valentina; Lapinskienė, Giedrė; Dudzevičiūtė, Gitana (9th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2016”, 2016)
      In business communication and negotiations communicating sides are trying to convince each other in their views, positions justice. For this purpose using a variety of measures starting with scientifically sound principles, ...
    • Quantitative evaluation technique of SME’s competitive advantage on the basis of SAW method 

      Joksiene, Izolda; Zvirblis, Algis (9th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2016”, 2016)
      The paper deals with a complex quantitative evaluation of SMEs’ competitive advantage on the basis of a multiple criteria evaluation technique. Creation of a system of primary evaluation criteria having different significance ...
    • Verbal analysis and its application for the assessment and management of the investment project risk in construction 

      Shevchenko, Galina; Ustinovichius, Leonas (9th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2016”, 2016)
      The paper investigates the investment decision–making, risk assessment and management problems faced by all participants of the investment process in construction. The main object of paper – risk of investment projects in ...