• An optimization model of traction rolling stock operation 

      Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas; Vaičiūnas, Gediminas (Eksploatacja i niezawodność, 2002)
      Working with market terms and conditions, matters (issues or questions) regarding stocktaking (registration) of property (resources) and rational usage are very urgent. Economical effect is perceived as tax, the difference ...
    • Analysis of technical means used in EU for training of railway transport employees 

      Vaičiūnas, Gediminas; Zhyzhko, Victoria (Transport problems = Problemy transportu, 2009)
      Experience in training specialists of various professions in railway transport in European and CIS countries shows that the training consists, as a rule, of several basic stages: theoretical preparation, practical training ...
    • Biodiesel features in the railway transport 

      Vaičiūnas, Gediminas; Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas (Economic effects of biofuel production, 2011)
    • Comparing the performance of diesel locomotives for passenger transportation 

      Vaičiūnas, Gediminas; Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas (Transport problems = Problemy transportu, 2008)
      Railway transport usually employed for passenger transportation embraces passenger locomotives, diesel trainsets and electric trains as well as railcars. Diesel or electric trains are mostly used on suburban routes, while ...
    • Evaluation of the influence of a rail vehicle running with wheel-flat on the railway track 

      Dižo, Ján; Blatnický, Miroslav; Steišūnas, Stasys; Vaičiūnas, Gediminas (LOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics, 2018)
      The railway transport network is currently in a quite big expansion. Therefore, railway tracks are modernized and the attention is given also on the technical state of rail vehicles, which operate on them. However, it may ...
    • Feasibility study of using motor-rail cars on Lithuanian railways 

      Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas; Vaičiūnas, Gediminas (Машиностроене & електротехника : научен брой, 2005)
      When passenger transportation by railway brings losses, the main expenses (about 60%) may be attributed to fuel costs. To reduce the losses, diesel locomotives should be replaced with motor-rail cars. Before starting to ...
    • Investigating the dynamic of motor-rail car elements 

      Vaičiūnas, Gediminas; Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas (Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. 6 serija. Mašinzinātne un transports. Dzelzceļa transports = Scientific proceedigs of Riga Technical university. Serija 6. Transport and engineering. Railway transport, 2007)
      In renewing the park of passenger locomotives in most of Central European countries, it is suggested to replace diesel trains by motor-rail cars. Before starting the operation of motor-rail cars, their operational ...
    • Investigation of perspectives of Lithuanian passenger rolling stock 

      Petrenko, Viačeslav; Vaičiūnas, Gediminas (Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. 6 serija. Mašinzinātne un transports. Dzelzceļa transports = Scientific proceedigs of Riga Technical university. Serija 6. Transport and engineering. Railway transport, 2008)
      The analysis of the statistical data shows, that JSC "Lithuanian railways" existing passenger rolling stock is approaching the critical moral and technical wear limit. Passenger rolling stock analysis in detail lead us to ...
    • Kompiuterizuota lokomotyvų, vagonų ir konteinerių apskaita 

      Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas; Vaičiūnas, Gediminas (Transportas = Transport engineering, 1998)
      Necessity to change the structure of the Lithuanian Railway system for operating in market economy is grounded in this article. One of the main problems is enterprise property (especially rolling-stock) registration. The ...
    • Krovinių srauto asimetrijos įtaka optimaliam traukos riedmenų parinkimui 

      Vaičiūnas, Gediminas; Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas (Transportas, 2001)
      Working with market terms and conditions , matters(issues or questions) regarding stocktaking(registration) of property (resources) and rational usage are very urgent. Economical effect is perceived as tax, the difference ...
    • Moksleivių vežiojimo Lietuvoje efektyvumo tyrimas 

      Bureika, Gintautas; Vaičiūnas, Gediminas (Technologijos mokslo darbai Vakarų Lietuvoje / Klaipėdos universitetas, 2006)
      Nagrinėjamos moksleivių vežiojimo į kaimo ir priemiesčių bendrojo lavinimo mokyklas optimizavimo problemos. Pateikti mokyklinių ir "geltonųjų" autobusų eksploatacijos rodiklių statistinės analizės grafikai, sudarytas ...
    • Research of using petrol-ethanol blends as fuel for spark ignition engines = 

      Bureika, Gintautas; Vaičiūnas, Gediminas (Машиностроене & електротехника : научен брой, 2004)
      The main issues are considered in this topic: the mathematical model to determine the optimum composition of ethanol and petrol mixture; the foundation of the methodology to determine the octane number of petrol-ethanol ...
    • The Analysis of deterioration of passenger and freight locomotives 

      Vaičiūnas, Gediminas; Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas (Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. 6 serija. Mašinzinātne un transports. Dzelzceļa transports = Scientific proceedigs of Riga Technical university. Serija 6. Transport and engineering. Railway transport, 2007)
      Necessary is a determine the main differences in the process of deterioration between freight and passenger locomotives and the respective differences in the strategies of their renewal. The second goal is to develop ...
    • The analysis of wear intensity of the locomotive wheel - sets 

      Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas; Mikaliūnas, Šarūnas; Vaičiūnas, Gediminas (Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc, 2004)
      The wear dynamic of wheel-set tyres of Diesel locomotives was investigated. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to forecast the safe operating period of wheel-set tyres between overhauls, to improve their maintenance ...
    • The dependence of wheel-sets wear intensity on their arrangement in the locomotive 

      Mikaliūnas, Šarūnas; Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas; Vaičiūnas, Gediminas (Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. 6 serija. Mašinzinātne un transports. Dzelzceļa transports = Scientific proceedigs of Riga Technical university. Serija 6. Transport and engineering. Railway transport, 2004)
      Statistical evaluation of wear allowed us to observe that wear of the wheelsets largely depends on the particular arrangement in a locomotive, because when the latter is running they are not uniformly loaded and, therefore, ...
    • The effect of asymmetric freight traffic on the selection of optimal locomotive traction on Lithuanian railroad 

      Vaičiūnas, Gediminas; Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas (Вiсник : Днiпропетровського нацiонального унiверситету залiзничного транспорту iменi академiка В. Лазаряна, 2004)
      The paper deals with the effect of asymmetric character of the Lithuanian railroad freight traffic in western and eastern directions on the selection of optimal locomotive traction. On the basis of analysis of data on ...
    • The influence of asymmetry of freight traffic on the choice of traction rolling stocks 

      Vaičiūnas, Gediminas; Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas (Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. 6 serija. Mašinzinātne un transports. Dzelzceļa transports = Scientific proceedigs of Riga Technical university. Serija 6. Transport and engineering. Railway transport, 2004)
      Under market conditions, problems of the available resources and their rational use are of prime importance. Economic effect is perceived as the difference between income and expenses in transportation. The mathematical ...
    • The influence of the exploitation conditions of the rolling stock on the effectiveness of recuperation 

      Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas; Vaičiūnas, Gediminas (Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. 6 serija. Mašinzinātne un transports. Dzelzceļa transports = Scientific proceedigs of Riga Technical university. Serija 6. Transport and engineering. Railway transport, 2008)
      Recuperation is one of the most perspective energy saving methods in railway transport - conversion of train kinetic energy into electric energy and its release to the other user. Recuperation could be very useful for ...
    • Traukos riedmenų naudojimo optimizavimas 

      Lingaitis, Leonas Povilas; Vaičiūnas, Gediminas (Transportas, 2000)
      Working under market conditions matters (issues or questions) regarding stocktaking (registration) of property (resources) and rational usage are very urgent. The formed mathematical model consists of three components: the ...
    • Влияние вида тяги на количество ошибок машиниста = 

      Vaičiūnas, Gediminas; Bureika, Gintautas (Машиностроение & електротехника : научен брой, 2004)