• Aplinkos apsaugos audito sistemos diegimo Lietuvoje poreikis ir galimybės 

      Baltrėnas, Pranas; Vasarevičius, Saulius (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1995)
      The article deals with the environmental audit system creation in Europe. Typical environmental audit scheme, principal stages of its implementation as well as environmental auditors' acreditation system valid in Germany ...
    • Autotransporto tarša Vilniaus mieste 

      Baltrėnas, Pranas; Bakas, Algimantas; Juozaitis, Arvydas (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1996)
      In Vilnius, like in other similar urbanistic type cities, the air is most of all polluted by motorcars. From 1989 to 1995 the level of motor transport pollution increased from 70 to 85-90 percent, motorcars stock size and ...
    • Cheminės medžiagos automobilių kelių ir gatvių dangų priežiūrai žiemą 

      Laurinavičius, Alfredas; Čygas, Donatas (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1996)
      Reasons of traffic accidents on winter motor roads and streets according to paving slipperiness are presented in the paper. This material shows the data of comparing six methods used against slipperiness: spreading of ...
    • Elektrodinės sistemos "viela spyruoklėje" elektrostatinių laukų modeliavimas 

      Bakas, Algimantas; Baltrėnas, Pranas; Kačeniauskas, Arnas; Bukotas, Gintaras (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1996)
      One of the most important factors, which determines electrostatic filter efficiency, is created in its corona discharge field strengt pollutant particle charge and force, effected charging fraction depend on its size and ...
    • Energijos vartojimas ir mikroklimatas Lietuvos gydymo įstaigose 

      Martinaitis, Vytautas (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1996)
      Investigations of heat consumption level in medical institutions, its influence on premises microclimate as well as energy saving possibilities are carried out in this work. Medical institutions and those of secondary ...
    • Faktinės šilumos sąnaudos šildymui gyvenamuosiuose ir visuomeniniuose pastatuose 

      Gedgaudas, Marijonas; Juodis, Egidijus Saulius; Paulauskaitė, Sabina (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1996)
      Most dwelling houses in our country are built according to standard projects. Thermal resistance of external walls is low and heating systems are without effective regulation.A common characteristic feature of such buildings ...
    • Filtravimo grūdėtais filtrais procesų interpoliacinių kriterinių modelių interpretavimas 

      Spruogis, Aleksandras; Baltrėnas, Pranas; Krasovickij, Jurij (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1996)
      Environmental protection problem is vital not only for Lithuania, but for all countries as well. The problem of effective dust collection is an urgent problem, because of an increasing number of dust exuding units and the ...
    • Fosfogipso naudojimas Lietuvos automobilių keliams tiesti 

      Petkevičius, Kazys; Sakalauskas, Kazys (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1996)
      Expediency of use of phosphorgypsum dehydrate i road construction is reviewed. The analysed subject is directly connected with solving problems of environment: engineering. Two possibilities utilizing phosphorgypsum dehydrate ...
    • Geležies ir mangano šalinimo iš požeminio vandens technologijų pagrindimo ypatumai Lietuvos hidrogeocheminėmis sąlygomis 

      Diliūnas, Jonas; Sakalauskas, Antanas (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1996)
      Only groundwater sources are used for municipal and individual water supply in Lithuania. In 1994, about 840 thousand m3/d of groundwater was supplied by the municipal water-supply. Water from the main groundwater sources ...
    • Informacijos analizė apie pavojingus teršalus tarptautiniuose duomenų bankuose 

      Fröhner, Klaus-Dieter; Baltrėnas, Pranas; Richters, Thomas; Vasarevičius, Saulius (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1995)
      Bibliographical information about dangerous contaminants that is collected in three CD data banks is investigated in the report. NIOSHTIC (USA), CISDOC (International, Geneva) and HSELINE (England) CD data banks were chosen. ...
    • Klimato bei patalpos temperatūrinės sąlygos ir su jomis siejami uždaviniai 

      Martinaitis, Vytautas (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1995)
      The article emphasizes that in Lithuania above 70 per cent of general heat consumption of the country falls on the needs of dwelling houses and public buildings. According to the climatic parameters of a standard year, ...
    • Lietuvos pastatų šiluminio renovavimo mikroekonominis tikslingumas 

      Martinaitis, Vytautas (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1995)
      The article points out that energy consumption as well as reducing of inevitable environmental pollution in living spaces and public sector in still urgent question. According to the initial optimistic evaluations the ...
    • Miestų transporto sistemos plėtra. Ekologinis aspektas 

      Burinskienė, Marija (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1995)
      The aim of this article is to carry out analysis of bicycle movement safety in Lithuania during the last twenty years. A great variety of investigations concerning inhabitants mobility have been conducted in major cities ...
    • Organinių gamybos atliekų panaudojimo statybinėms medžiagoms gaminti tyrimai 

      Milčiūnienė, Violeta; Kulinič, Halina; Kazragis, Algimantas; Gailius, Albinas; Nickus, Ipolitas (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1996)
      1. Thermal effect, the intensity of which depends on carbon dioxide and methane concentration in the atmosphere, can be decreased by introducing organic industrial and agricultural waste in to the compositions of building ...
    • Oro, užteršto fenoliu ir formaldehidu, valymo metodų tyrimas ir jų taikymas Vilniaus "Silikato" gamykloje 

      Budukevičiūtė, Lina; Kučinskienė, Liuda (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1995)
      High spatial mobility of the atmosphere and intensive mixing of air layers result in significantly higher pollution of the atmosphere than that of other biosphere zones. The most effective way of reducing the industrial ...
    • Regularities of hard cosmic rays flux variations near the ground surface 

      Styro, Dmitrij (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1996)
      Kietojo kosminio spinduliavimo srauto (KKSS) rezultatai prie žemės paviršiaus, gauti 1985-1994 metais, apibendrinti ir atlikta jų analizė. Nustatytas KKSS vidutinių reikšmių eigos dėsningumas: jų didėjimas, charakteringas ...
    • Spyruoklinis elektrostatinis oro valymo filtras 

      Bakas, Algimantas; Kaulakys, Juozas (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1995)
      Electrostatic precipitator in which precipitation electrodes are vertically laid out helical spirals and discharge electrodes wires that are pulled out in every spiral center is investigated in the article. Air cleaning ...
    • Šilumos sąnaudos gyvenamųjų pastatų šildymui 

      Gedgaudas, Marijonas; Paulauskaitė, Sabina (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1995)
      The main part of the produced thermoenergy is used for building heating. If we want to estimate energy consumption in buildings, we must know its heat consumption for the heating season. This heat consumption we may easly ...
    • Vilniaus miesto atmosferos tarša, jos poveikis gyvūnijai ir žmogui 

      Baltrėnas, Pranas; Šimaitis, Ramutis; Oškinis, Vytautas; Vasarevičius, Saulius (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1996)
      The atmosphere of Vilnius city is polluted from both stationary and mobile emission sources. Air pollution specific weight increased from a mobile air pollution source last year: CO, NOx, SO2 pollutants and dust All ...
    • Vilniaus TE-2 mechaninio cecho apšiltinimas ir šilumos sąnaudų jame mažinimo galimybės 

      Gluosnis, Aleksandras Eduardas; Valentukevičius, Gintaras (Aplinkos inžinerija = Environmental engineering, 1995)
      Mechanical shop of Vilnius TE-2 is one-floor building, height 7.3 m, without ceiling. A lot of heat is being lost through the roof and big windows. In order to save heat and decrease these losses we suggest to install ...