Now showing items 1-20 of 29

    • A systematic theoretical review on sustainable management for green competitiveness 

      Nassar, Nour; Tvaronavičienė, Manuela (Insights into regional development, 2021)
      Sustainable management for green competitiveness has been mentioned in the lasting researches based on various theories as to the transition theory, social responsibility theory (CSR), sustainable supply chain management ...
    • Bankroto tikimybės vertinimo modelių pritaikomumas finansų sektoriaus įmonėms 

      Grikietytė, Giedrė; Mačiulytė-Šniukienė, Alma (Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis. Ekonomika ir vadyba = Science – Future of Lithuania. Economics and management, 2023)
      Iš anksto numatyti bankroto tikimybę yra svarbu kiekvienai įmonei. Vis dėlto vienas svarbiausių ekonomikos sektorių yra finansų sektorius. Finansų sektoriaus įmonės bankrotas paliečia tiek privačius asmenis, tiek verslo ...
    • Contemporary concept of business competitiveness 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija; Daškevič, Diana (Vadyba = Journal of management, 2023)
      Business competitiveness topic is widely discussed among researchers in various science disciplines and areas. Industries and companies have been forced to adapt their activity to various changes that have a significant ...
    • Creation of high technologies: comparative analysis of countries 

      Kvedarienė, Audronė (Economic and culture, 2019)
      RESEARCH PURPOSE. High technology creation, as a rule, requires national support systems although the flow of the created value in an international level is unexplored. The national innovation systems are becoming globalized; ...
    • Cyber effect and security management aspects in critical energy infrastructures 

      Plėta, Tomas; Tvaronavičienė, Manuela; Della Casa, Silvia (Insights into regional development, 2020)
      The purpose of the paper is to compare various types of management models that regulate the response to cyber threats to Critical Infrastructures. The development of an effective management model that regulates the response ...
    • Cyber security management of critical energy infrastructure in national cybersecurity strategies: cases of USA, UK, France, Estonia and Lithuania 

      Tvaronavičienė, Manuela; Plėta, Tomas; Della Casa, Silvia; Latvys, Juozas (Insights into regional development, 2020)
      The progresses made in terms of cybersecurity in these past years have been huge, and the implementation of newer strategies has brought interesting results all over the globe. However, the full implementation of cybersecurity ...
    • Cyber-attacks to critical energy infrastructure and management issues: overview of selected cases 

      Plėta, Tomas; Tvaronavičienė, Manuela; Della Casa, Silvia; Agafonov, Konstantin (Insights into regional development, 2020)
      The purpose of the paper is to analyze the vulnerabilities of Critical Energy Infrastructures’ systems in the event of cyber-attack. The global tendency of cyber-attacks puts Critical Energy Infrastructures on one of the ...
    • Dinamiškoji vadyba: perspektyvūs požiūriai ir prioritetai 

      Melnikas, Borisas (Viešasis administravimas = Public administration, 2019)
      Straipsnis yra teorinio pobūdžio, jame nagrinėjami nauji požiūriai į taip vadinamą dinamiškąją vadybą. Atskleidžiama dinamiškosios vadybos esmė, išryškinami dinamiškosios vadybos prioritetai. Dinamiškoji vadyba apibūdinama ...
    • Economics engineering and dynamic management: acceleration of the scientific ant technological progress 

      Melnikas, Borisas (Viešasis administravimas = Public administration, 2019)
      This theoretical article is intended to discuss the meaning and role of the science of economics engineering in the context of contemporary challenges. The main idea is that the economics engineering as a science of ...
    • Factors of international business development outside domestic market 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija; Leonavičienė, Edita (Journal of service, innovation and sustainable development, 2022)
      In the process of globalization and the development of international business, the circumstances of multi-culturalism have become particularly relevant. Although cultural aspects have received a lot of attention in ...
    • Information systems in the practice of enterprises activity 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija (Journal of logistics, informatics and service science, 2019)
      The article discusses the ability of enterprises to adopt and use information systems (IS). The classical adoption theories are tending to neglect market and industry characteristics as important factors in the adoption ...
    • Intelektinis potencialas ir intelektinė veikla šiuolaikinės visuomenės gyvenime: harmonijos, tvarios plėtros ir saugumo siekiai 

      Melnikas, Borisas (Viešasis administravimas = Public administration, 2018)
      Šiame teorinio pobūdžio straipsnyje yra nagrinėjami harmonijos, darnos, tvarumo ir saugumo siekių ir orientacijų sklaidos bei šiomis orientacijomis grindžiami visuomenės bei jos gyvenimo būdo kaitos ir plėtojimo procesai, ...
    • Is environmental sustainability a case of failure of policy implementation? 

      El Chalfoun, Fadwa (Journal of advanced research in social sciences and humanities, 2018)
      Aim: The study’s research objectives included identifying the factors that have led to policy implementation failure, identifying the impact of policy implementation failure on sustainability, and identifying the measures ...
    • LEAN metodo taikymo studijų procese galimybių vertinimas: studentų požiūrio tyrimas 

      Čižiūnienė, Kristina; Štaraitė, Eugenija (Studijos kintančioje verslo aplinkoje : straipsnių rinkinys = Studies in a changing business environment, 2019)
      LEAN metodologija buvo sukurta gamyboje, tačiau laikui bėgant ją įsisavino ir paslaugų sektorius, kurio dalimi yra ir aukštasis mokslas. LEAN tapo bendriniu terminu ir intensyvių mokslinių tyrimų objektu. Tinkamas mokymas ...
    • Legal form determination for the development of clusters’ activities 

      Bublienė, Raimonda; Vinogradova-Zinkevič, Irina; Tvaronavičienė, Manuela; Monni, Salvatore (Insights into regional development, 2019)
      In this study, the authors have investigated the determination of the most suitable legal form for the development of the cluster management activities. In each particular case the developers of the cluster have to assess ...
    • Methodology for the multi-objective analysis of data sets in freight delivery 

      Dzemydienė, Dalė; Burinskienė, Aurelija; Miliauskas, Arūnas; Čižiūnienė, Kristina (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International journal of computer and systems engineering (IJCASE)., 2021)
      Data flow and the purpose of reporting the data are different and dependent on business needs. Different parameters are reported and transferred regularly during freight delivery. This business practices form the dataset ...
    • Motyvacijos veiksnių įtaka nuolatiniam tobulėjimui: tęstines studijas pasirinkusių absolventų nuomonių tyrimas 

      Čižiūnienė, Kristina; Štaraitė, Eugenija (Aukštųjų mokyklų vaidmuo visuomenėje: iššūkiai, tendencijos ir perspektyvos : mokslo darbai = Role of Higher Education Institutions in Society: Challenges, Tendencies and Perspectives : academic papers, 2018)
      Kiekvienas vadovas yra suinteresuotas, kad jo darbuotojai dirbtų įmonės labui, prisidėtų prie sėkmingo įmonės vystymosi, tačiau tokių rezultatų pasiekti nepavyks, jei vadovas nemokės tinkamai motyvuoti savo darbuotojų ir ...
    • Nuotolinio mokymosi svarba studijų rezultatams: požiūris į studijas 

      Katinienė, Aušra; Girnienė, Ingrida; Stravinskienė, Aušra (Aukštųjų mokyklų vaidmuo visuomenėje: iššūkiai, tendencijos ir perspektyvos : mokslo darbai = Role of higher education institutions in society: challenges, tendencies and perspectives : academic papers, 2023)
      Spartūs šiuolaikinio pasaulio kaitos bei globalizacijos tempai ir procesai vis labiau verčia žiūrėti į atsiradusias problemas kūrybiškai, priimti įvairialypius nestandartinius/kitokius/savotiškus sprendimus įvairiose ...
    • Pharma supply chain: efficiency modelling approach 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija (Journal of system and management sciences, 2018)
      In previous decades, companies were used to manage their supply chain individually and produce inaccuracies in overall chain performance. To avoid inefficient revenue and expense operations, companies need an end-to-end ...
    • Research analysis of China’s corporate identity, image and reputation 

      Kuranovič, Veslav (Business studies journal, 2017)
      In this 20-21st century, the exciting advent of globalization was mostly forced to greatly compete China global and international material inputs, outputs, international partners, global customers and big market share, but ...