Development of the sector of high technology: identifying aspects of process determination
The author of the presented paper aims at discovering the patterns of the development of the sector of high technology in the context of social, economic and technological progress; to develop and prove the suggested methodology necessary to assess the process of the development of the sector of high technology according to the processes of internationalisation. Main theories and systematic analysis of national and regional programs dedicated for the development of the sector of high technology are ana-lysed here. Theoretical assumption to use human development index for the measurement of country’s readiness to develop the sector of high technology on example of EU is also discussed and examined here, too. The author’s suggestion to investigate the processes of the development of the sector of high technology on industrial, business, national and international level is raised. As a result, the author deter-mines main aspects defining the development of the sector of high technology on every level of the proc-ess. Empirical verification of the suggestion, based on cluster analysis, correlation analysis and dispersion calculations, justifies the application of the methodology on example of the sector of high technology of the EU countries.