Value and developments of dual vocational training systems in the Baltic Sea Region
Youth unemployment is on the rise, while at the same time the number of open jobs is growing. This skills gap between the existing qualifications and actual labour market needs is growing in many countries. Countries with a rather practical oriented education, like the dual system, in Germany or the Netherlands have a rather low youth unemployment. Thus the European Union places an increased emphasis on creating closer links between industry and education, the so called work-based learning. This form of education is likely to meet the twin goals of improving individuals' employability and increasing economic competitiveness. This is of particular of importance for small and medium-sized enterprises that need well-educated and practical skilled workforce. A survey conducted from July to September 2014 by the Hanse-Parlament, an unmbrella organisation of more than 50 business chamber from 12 countries, reveals interesting information about the current status of the vocational training system in the Baltic Sea Region. Most countries in the area do not implement dual systems. The survey confirms the necessity of an intensification of work-based learning methods.