Utenos rajono savivaldybės gyventojų įpročių tvarkyti didelių gabaritų ir buityje susidarančias pavojingąsias atliekas tyrimas
Peržiūrėti/ Atidaryti
Jakštonienė, Inga
Pliopaitė Bataitienė, Ingrida
Rukštelienė, Nijolė
Rodyti detalų aprašąSantrauka
Straipsnyje analizuojami Utenos rajono savivaldybės gyventojų apklausos, kuria siekiama išaiškinti respondentų įpročius tvarkyti didelių gabaritų ir buityje susidarančias pavojingąsias atliekas, rezultatai. Nustatyta, kad 95 % respondentų mano, kad rūšiuojant atliekas saugoma gamta, mažėja atliekų tvarkymo išlaidos, ir tik maža dalis apklaustųjų buvo skeptiški šiuo klausimu. Deja, realybėje tai įgyvendinti sekasi nelengvai, nes net 21 % respondentų teigia niekada nesinaudojantys šia atliekų surinkimo paslauga, net trečdalis respondentų dalį pavojingųjų atliekų išmeta į komunalinių atliekų konteinerius, o šeštadalis didelių gabaritų atliekas tiesiog palieka prie buitinių atliekų konteinerių. Nepaisant šių problemų, respondentai gerai vertina UAB ,,Utenos komunalininkas“ ir kitų atliekų tvarkytojų darbą. The article analyzes the results from a survey of the residents of Utena district municipality, which aims to clarify the respondents’ habits of managing bulky and household hazardous waste.
According to the data of the Lithuanian Department of Statistics, on July 1, 2019 the population of Utena district municipality was 37,277 (25,406 in the city and 11,871 in the village). According to the same department data, in 2018 the average household in the district was 2.18 of a person, thus, there are about 17,100 households in Utena district municipality. During the research, an electronic questionnaire form was distributed to survey residents of Utena district municipality, and a paper questionnaire was additionally distributed in Antalgė village, Vyžuonos and Tauragnai towns. There were 376 respondents interviewed, the survey is representative, performed with 95% of the probability and 5% of the error.
It was found that 95% of respondents believe that waste sorting helps to protect the nature and reduces the costs of waste management, while only a small number of respondents are skeptics on this issue. Unfortunately, it is challenging to put into practice, since even 21% of respondents say that they never use this kind of waste collection service, a third of respondents a part of the hazardous waste throw into municipal waste containers and a sixth of respondents simply leave bulky waste near the household waste containers.
Despite these problems, the respondents have a positive view on the work of UAB “Utenos komunalininkas” and other waste managers. The management of hazardous waste in Utena district municipality is evaluated as good by the majority of both urban (U) and rural (R) residents (about 48% (U) and 68% (R)) or on average (approx. 38% (U) and 23% (R)). Bulky waste management in Utena district municipality is rated even more favorable than hazardous waste management: this service is rated well by about 68% (U) and 77% (R), and on average by 14% (U) and 12% (R) of residents. Although the majority of urban and rural residents try to give away no longer needed but tidy items that are suitable for use, however, the sharing station “Dalinkimės” is not popular neither among urban nor rural residents – 3.1% (U) and 8.0% (R) of respondents choose this way of handling. Curb-side collection of hazardous waste is more acceptable for residents of rural areas (28.0%). Residents of urban areas (19.8%) are more likely to deliver hazardous waste to specific large-scale sites than rural residents (9.0%).
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