Kapitalo išvežimas: praeitis ir tendencijos
Straipsnyje siekama įvertinti kapitalo išvežimo tendencijas. Atlikta kapitalo eksporto teorinė analizė, aptartos pasaulio kapitalo išvežimo kryptys. Taip pat atlikta Lietuvos kapitalo eksporto analizė, statistinių duomenų ir lyginamoji analizės. Nustatytos Lietuvos kapitalo eksporto tendencijos. There is a constant increase in the amount of capital export out in the world and particularily in the form of direct foreign in-vestment. The trends of capital export world-wide and in Lithuania are analysed in the article. The analysis of the statistical data reports the modern capital export is characterized by the growth of foreign direct investment not only in the developed but also in the developing countries as well. Moreover, the capital export allows you to get economic benefit and the form of foreign direct investment enhances competitiveness in the international markets. It is obvious; the national economy is affected by the illegal export of capital. It is found that the volume of foreign direct investment in Lithuania is decreasing and the income from this investment is the lowest compared to the portfolio or other kind of investment.