Evaluation of countries for virtual working
In the last decade the relevance of virtual working and the percentage of jobs done remotely has indeed appreciated in European countries. Remote work is a new feasible solution for the large and small scale companies, they intend their employees to work from a distance location. This solution, perhaps, will stay for the foreseeable future within organizations. The statistical data which is collected from Eurostat shows that distance working has made connection between employees from EU countries seamless, however, some countries are still not fully focused on virtual working. The obtained data presents that virtual working percentage during last five years has enabled the author of this paper to have a comparative analysis in terms of how each country utilize remote working. Afterward, the result of analysis presented and discussed. The main purpose of this article is to evaluate the countries that fully engage in the optimization of virtual working, the method to be used in this research are literature analysis and TOPSIS method. T his article also shows that virtual working is becoming essential part of people’s lifestyle in the near future, and most employees and employer will prefer it to any other forms of working. Per pastarąjį dešimtmetį Europos šalyse pradėjo sparčiai plisti virtualusis darbas, tuo pačiu išaugo nuotoliniu būdu
atliekamų darbų dalis. Šiuolaikiniame versle nuotolinis darbas tampa patraukiu didelėms ir mažoms įmonėms, nes leidžia pritraukti
personalą iš skirtingų nuo įmonės būstinės nutolusių vietovių. Statistiniai duomenys rodo, kad nuotolinis darbas atskirose šalyse
tampa paplitusia darbo forma, tačiau dalis Europos šalių vis dar nėra pasiruošusios tokiems darbo santykių pokyčiams. Straipsnyje
atlikta skirtingų Europos šalių lyginamoji analizė nuotolinio darbo taikymo požiūriu. Atliekant analizę taikytas TOPSIS metodas.
Straipsnio pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados dėl virtualiojo darbo perspektyvų Europoje.
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