Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Prekės ženklo kaip nematerialaus turto vertinimas
The orgin of brand value creation is consumer attitudes towards the brand, and the result of owning powerfull brand is the increased shareholders value. In vast majority of cases these two aspects are analysed sepatately, ...
Verslo strateginių sprendimų vertinimas
Strategic decisions evaluation model is based on complex strategic decisions evaluation and scenarios methods’ synthesis. Using methods synthesis the evaluation becomes exhaustive, complex and is executed regarding environment ...
Complex evaluation of a tax system
The main problem examined in current PhD thesis is the evaluation of tax system by applying systematic point of view. Subject-matter of the examination is to evaluate tax system as whole in view of ever increasing demand ...
Evaluation of the real estate investment projects
Introduction The Investigated Problem Investments in the real estate sector exist in all of the life cycle stages of the economy. Micro and macro environment determines the risk levels and complexity of the projects’ ...
Švietimo išteklių ir paslaugų skaitmeninės bibliotekos sudedamųjų dalių sąveikumo problemos
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos lanksčios atvirosios el. mokymosi turinio ir paslaugų sistemos (t. y. skaitmeninės švietimo išteklių ir paslaugų bibliotekos, angl. Digital Library of Educational Resources and Services) kūrimo ...
Knowledge potential assessment in organization
The dissertation analyzes the problems of evaluating an organization‘s knowledge potential, both on a theoretical and practical level. The object of researches – assessment of knowledge potential in organization – is ...
Ecological assessment in urban comprehensive plans
In the 21st century, cities have more than ever been associated with the possibilities of business development, favourable workplaces and residence, yet there is growing concern about the environmental condition of city ...
The improvement of technological innovativeness' evaluation under aspect of influencing factors
The researched topic of technological innovativeness has shown that most researchers choose for their subject of research innovations in general, whereas the technological innovativeness they research is just fragmentary ...