The role of national savings on generation fixed investment capital
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between savings and investment spending. In this paper it would be investigated the role of national savings on generation investment capital. The main objective of this work is analyzing national savings in European countries and determination of interrelation of national savings and investments rate, and consequently define the role of investment on providing economic growth. During the analysis it will be made some identical equations, through which we will define interaction of savings and investment.
Interrelation between national savings and investments will be analyzed through the indicator Gross Domestic Product. Due to the calculation of this indicator by expenditures method, it should be taken into consideration such indicators like consumption, investments, and government spending. Besides that growth of GDP is the main indicator of the economic growth. Consequently during analysis it will be defined main factors affecting to investment spending, and their results. For analyzing and approving theoretical information it will be used statistical data of European Union countries. Tyrimo tikslas – analizuoti ryšius tarp santaupų ir investicinių išlaidų. Straipsnyje tiriama nacionalinių santaupų rolė fiksuoto investavimo kapitalo sudarymui. Darbo objektas – Europos šalių nacionalinių santaupų analizė bei santykis tarp nacionalinių santaupų ir investicijų rodiklio, kuris apibrėžia ekonomikos augimą. Analizei naudota teorinių šaltinių analizė ir Europos Sąjungos šalių statistiniai duomenys.